Common Objects
John Butcher / Rhodri Davies / Lee Patterson
Live In Morden Tower
Rhodri Davies was commissioned by the London Musicians’ Collective to put together an ensemble and present a new work for each of the five nights of the 14th LMC Festival of Experimental Music in 2005. Since then the group has invited a number of musicians to join the core members of the ensemble. The current full line up consists of the trio heard on this CD as well as Angharad Davies and Lina Lapelyte.
Morden Tower is one of Britain’s best-known cultural landmarks. For the past 45 years, hundreds of leading poets, sound poets and experimental musicians have come from all over the world to give readings and make music in the ancient turret-room on Newcastle’s city walls.
The evening consisted of three solos followed by the trio. The trio music has a noisier and more abrasive edge to it than the solos. This may stem from a need to search beyond the now all too familiar language of reductionism or it might be a response to Morden Tower itself and the alternative scene that has historically taken place within its walls.
This is Common Objects’ first recording.
Rhodri Davies > electric harp
John Butcher > saxophones, amplifier
Lee Patterson > amplified devices, processes