Alfredo Costa Monteiro / Miguel A. Garcia
The second appearance of Alfredo Costa Monteiro after critically acclaimed Contour with Keith Rowe, Kurt Liedwart and Ilia Belorukov, and the first physical release of Miguel A. Garcia after Uropygi with Kurt Liedwart, Ilia Belorukov and Dmitry Krotevich on Mikroton Digital.
The album is titled after “Aq’ab’al”, the Mayan Astrology Sign about polar opposites — dawn and dusk, hot and cold, black and white which represents renewal, change, the end of boredom or new beginnings. The album takes off into the territory of spectral modulation of an array of sound waves and intrusions of abrupt shifts in the flow. A forceful energy that seems to be constrained, captured into a muffled atmosphere. Ebbs and flows of the circulation of sound waves, mixed with ferocious textural feedbacks configurate a kind of a primary vibration, combined with high pitch chord sounds seem to draw a kind of strange observance. The music is always in constant movement, avoiding stops and giving no respite in its search for new beginnings.
Alfredo Costa Monteiro > electronics
Miguel A. Garcia > electronics