Various Artists
Feedback: Order From Noise
Memory is a funny thing. 10 years after touring the UK with the Feedback: Order from Noise tour I am trying to recall the concerts that I experienced in some sort of trance. There I was, the youngest member of a group of musicians that consisted of a mixture of good friends and musical heroes, apparently the curator of this musical adventure, ravaged by self-doubt. Would it all work out? Now, ten years later my memories have been altered every time I have thought back to those days, every time I looked at the photos that Sarah took, every time I listened to the recordings that have spent a decade on an archive hard-drive. Anything that is written here is filtered and might be untrue. Memory is a funny thing. Nevertheless the recordings have stood the test of time for me, 2004 was a good vintage for feedback music. Today dozens of experimental musicians describe feedback as their ‘instrument’ of choice. Time to release the recordings. Time for another feedback tour?
Knut Aufermann > feedback matrixer, fm tx, hearing aid, customised electronics
Xentos Fray Bentos > unstruments
Nicolas Collins > hilbert transform backwards electric guitar, assorted circuitry
Alvin Lucier > binaural microphones, birdcall
Toshimaru Nakamura > no-input mixing board
Billy Roisz > video mixers, feedbackcam, audible video devices
Sarah Washington > sektion physik elab, feedback phone, open circuit no-tape machine
Otomo Yoshihide > turntables, guitar